Online Supportive Communication in Nurses & Students


Online Supportive Communication in Nurses & Students

PI: Alan Owens, M.A. Candidate 

Faculty Mentor: Charles Benight, Ph.D.

Project Description

The purpose of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of an online supportive communication training program within nursing and student populations. 

Participant Expectations and Eligibility

Participation will require two in-person supportive conversations in a lab setting with a colleague and the completion of a series of questionnaires, as well as an online follow-up survey. Additionally, you may be required to complete the online supportive communication training.  

You may be eligible if you are a current nurse or college student, over the age of 18, able to speak/read English, have internet access, live in the Colorado Springs area, and have a colleague who would be willing to participate.  

Click here to complete the eligibility survey


You will receive gift cards for $10 for each 60-minute in-person session and $5 for the completion of the follow-up survey. Participants completing the online training will receive an additional $35. All participants will receive access to supportive communication training after the completion of the study. 

Contact Info

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